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Georgios Vasilopoulos
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George is a photographer and communications designer based in London UK where he has lived since 2004. During his career, he has gained private- and public-sector experience primarily in the healthcare and higher education industries. George grew up within the skateboarding scene of Greater Vancouver BC and has also lived in Rocklin CA and Almyrós Greece. Distasteful Shroom is a hybrid magazine-portfolio to explore his interests of photography, culture and travel.
Georgios Vasilopoulos
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George is a photographer and communications designer based in London UK where he has lived since 2004. During his career, he has gained private- and public-sector experience primarily in the healthcare and higher education industries. George grew up within the skateboarding scene of Greater Vancouver BC and has also lived in Rocklin CA and Almyrós Greece. Distasteful Shroom is a hybrid magazine-portfolio to explore his interests of photography, culture and travel.